INCORPORATED 1718 FALMOUTH MAINE Dog Licenses Dog licenses are now available for 2023. All current dog licenses expire December 31, 2022. Dogs over age 6 months must be licensed by January 1. Cost Neutered/Spayed Dog: $6.00 Unaltered Male or Female: $11.00 ($1.00 fee for online registrations) Register In person: Clerk's Office, Falmouth Town Hall. Present a current Maine rabies certificate and a neutering certificate if the dog has been altered. Online: Register at: licensing. Provide a credit card, rabies certificate, your veterinarian's information, a license/tag number (if a renewal), and a spay or neuter certificate (if your dog has been altered). 2023 Short-Term Rental Registrations & Renewals The registration/renewal deadline for short- term rentals in Falmouth is January 1, 2023. Pursuant to Falmouth's Short-term Rental Ordinance, effective January 1, 2022, no person shall advertise, operate, or rent a short-term rental in the Town of Falmouth without first registering the short-term rental with the Town. Town staff are happy to assist with the registration process. Email or call Julie Baxter at 207-699-5335 for additional information or if you intend to advertise, operate, or rent your short-term rental before the end of the year and have not already registered with the Town. Please note: New registrations after November 2 will be considered 2023 registrations. 2023 Transfer Station/Parking Stickers Available 2023 Transfer Station & Parking stickers to access the Transfer Station and to park at Town Landing in the coming year are now available. Stickers are $5.00 annually and can be purchased at either Town Hall or the Public Works Office on Woods Road. Stickers are valid from January 1 through December 31, 2023. Parking Ban Falmouth's overnight parking ban is in effect until April 15, 2023. Parking is prohibited on all Town-maintained roads from midnight until 6am. Falmouth Public Schools Campus Master Planning Community Input Session Thu, January 12, 2023 6:30-8pm Falmouth Middle School 52 Woodville Rd Hatti JHUH Snow day: January 25 Join Falmouth Public Schools and Master Planning consultants Oak Point A Associates for a conversation to guide planning of our 125-acre campus for the next decade and beyond. Our goal? Create a plan that supports our district and community needs, and promotes what is best for our students. Why is campus master planning important? Several factors demand a careful review and reconsideration of our campus learning environment: Age and wear of facilities and infrastructure Program expansion and staff to serve evolving student needs . Proactive planning avoids costly. reactive decisions What does the planning process look like? for Gather data, input, and feedback from all stakeholders (students, staff, families, community, etc.) Optimize campus d s design fo security, accessibility. functionality, sustainability, efficiency, aesthetics, and mental well-being, while considering benefits to the broader community . Establish realistic priorities that account for the importance of both long-term vision and fiscal responsibility If you are unable to attend, stay informed at masterplancing INCORPORATED 1718 FALMOUTH MAINE Dog Licenses Dog licenses are now available for 2023. All current dog licenses expire December 31 , 2022. Dogs over age 6 months must be licensed by January 1 . Cost Neutered / Spayed Dog : $ 6.00 Unaltered Male or Female : $ 11.00 ( $ 1.00 fee for online registrations ) Register In person : Clerk's Office , Falmouth Town Hall . Present a current Maine rabies certificate and a neutering certificate if the dog has been altered . Online : Register at : licensing . Provide a credit card , rabies certificate , your veterinarian's information , a license / tag number ( if a renewal ) , and a spay or neuter certificate ( if your dog has been altered ) . 2023 Short - Term Rental Registrations & Renewals The registration / renewal deadline for short term rentals in Falmouth is January 1 , 2023. Pursuant to Falmouth's Short - term Rental Ordinance , effective January 1 , 2022 , no person shall advertise , operate , or rent a short - term rental in the Town of Falmouth without first registering the short - term rental with the Town . Town staff are happy to assist with the registration process . Email or call Julie Baxter at 207-699-5335 for additional information or if you intend to advertise , operate , or rent your short - term rental before the end of the year and have not already registered with the Town . Please note : New registrations after November 2 will be considered 2023 registrations . 2023 Transfer Station / Parking Stickers Available 2023 Transfer Station & Parking stickers to access the Transfer Station and to park at Town Landing in the coming year are now available . Stickers are $ 5.00 annually and can be purchased at either Town Hall or the Public Works Office on Woods Road . Stickers are valid from January 1 through December 31 , 2023 . Parking Ban Falmouth's overnight parking ban is in effect until April 15 , 2023. Parking is prohibited on all Town - maintained roads from midnight until 6am . Falmouth Public Schools Campus Master Planning Community Input Session Thu , January 12 , 2023 6 : 30-8pm Falmouth Middle School 52 Woodville Rd Hatti JHUH Snow day : January 25 Join Falmouth Public Schools and Master Planning consultants Oak Point A Associates for a conversation to guide planning of our 125 - acre campus for the next decade and beyond . Our goal ? Create a plan that supports our district and community needs , and promotes what is best for our students . Why is campus master planning important ? Several factors demand a careful review and reconsideration of our campus learning environment : Age and wear of facilities and infrastructure Program expansion and staff to serve evolving student needs . Proactive planning avoids costly . reactive decisions What does the planning process look like ? for Gather data , input , and feedback from all stakeholders ( students , staff , families , community , etc. ) Optimize campus d s design fo security , accessibility . functionality , sustainability , efficiency , aesthetics , and mental well - being , while considering benefits to the broader community . Establish realistic priorities that account for the importance of both long - term vision and fiscal responsibility If you are unable to attend , stay informed at masterplancing