INCORPORATED 1718 FALMOUTH MAINE NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS The State of Maine, Department of Environmental Protection, has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact in compliance with Section C of the State of Maine's Clean Water State Revolving Fund Rules, Chapter 595, on behalf of the Town of Falmouth as part of the environmental review requirements. The name of the proposed project is West Falmouth Sewer Improvements Phase 1. The project entails the installation of underground wastewater force main and gravity pipe as well as major upgrades to an existing wastewater pump station. Specifically, the pipe work involves approximately 5,000 linear feet of gravity sewer pipe and associated manholes and approximately 6,000 linear feet of sewer force main pipe and associated manholes in the areas of Middle Road, Lunt Road, Pinehurst Drive, Woodlands Drive and Woods Road. The pump station to be upgraded is located on Falmouth Road. A review of the proposed action by the DEP has indicated that it will not result in a significant adverse impact to the environment. Therefore, a Finding of No Significant Impact has been issued for the project. Further records regarding the project are on file and are available for public review at the Town of Falmouth Wastewater Department, 96 Clearwater Drive, in Falmouth, Maine. Information may also be found on the Town of Falmouth's website at pages/falmouth fonsi.pdf. Comments relative to this decision may be submitted to Maeve Carlson of Wright Pierce at maeve.carlson@wright- or submitted to Karen Hefler of the State of Maine DEP at Comments must be received within thirty days of this notice. Public Hearing Notice The Falmouth Town Council will hold virtual public hearing on Monday, February 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM via ZOOM to hear public comment on the proposed Amendments to Ch. Il-14, Art. Il-14-2, Div. Il-14-2-2, Sec. 60-65 of the Code of Ordinance Relative to Street Acceptance and Changes to the Street Acceptance Application Review Process. INCORPORATED 1718 FALMOUTH MAINE NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS The State of Maine, Department of Environmental Protection, has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact in compliance with Section C of the State of Maine's Clean Water State Revolving Fund Rules, Chapter 595, on behalf of the Town of Falmouth as part of the environmental review requirements. The name of the proposed project is West Falmouth Sewer Improvements Phase 1. The project entails the installation of underground wastewater force main and gravity pipe as well as major upgrades to an existing wastewater pump station. Specifically, the pipe work involves approximately 5,000 linear feet of gravity sewer pipe and associated manholes and approximately 6,000 linear feet of sewer force main pipe and associated manholes in the areas of Middle Road, Lunt Road, Pinehurst Drive, Woodlands Drive and Woods Road. The pump station to be upgraded is located on Falmouth Road. A review of the proposed action by the DEP has indicated that it will not result in a significant adverse impact to the environment. Therefore, a Finding of No Significant Impact has been issued for the project. Further records regarding the project are on file and are available for public review at the Town of Falmouth Wastewater Department, 96 Clearwater Drive, in Falmouth, Maine. Information may also be found on the Town of Falmouth's website at pages/falmouth fonsi.pdf. Comments relative to this decision may be submitted to Maeve Carlson of Wright Pierce at maeve.carlson@wright- or submitted to Karen Hefler of the State of Maine DEP at Comments must be received within thirty days of this notice. Public Hearing Notice The Falmouth Town Council will hold virtual public hearing on Monday, February 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM via ZOOM to hear public comment on the proposed Amendments to Ch. Il-14, Art. Il-14-2, Div. Il-14-2-2, Sec. 60-65 of the Code of Ordinance Relative to Street Acceptance and Changes to the Street Acceptance Application Review Process.