INCORPORATED 1718 FALMOUTH Dog Licenses Dog licenses are now available for 2023. All current dog licenses expire December 31, 2022. Dogs over age 6 months must be licensed by January 1. Cost Neutered/Spayed Dog: $6.00 Unaltered Male or Female: $11.00 ($1.00 fee for online registrations) Register In person: Clerk's Office, Falmouth Town Hall. Present a current Maine rabies certificate and a neutering certificate if the dog has been altered. Online: Register at: licensing. Provide a credit card, rabies certificate, your veterinarian's information, a license/tag number (if a renewal), and a spay or neuter certificate (if your dog has been altered). 2023 Short-Term Rental Registrations & Renewals registration/renewal deadline for short- The term rentals in Falmouth is January 1, 2023. Pursuant to Falmouth's Short-term Rental Ordinance, effective January 1, 2022, no person shall advertise, operate, or rent a short-term rental in the Town of Falmouth without first registering the short-term rental with the Town. Town staff are happy to assist with the registration process. Email or call Julie Baxter at 207 -699-5335 for additional information or if you intend to advertise, operate, or rent your short-term rental before the end of the year and have not already registered with the Town. Please note: New registrations after November 2 will be considered 2023 registrations. Thank You! Thank you to all the volunteers who gave their time and talent to make Very Merry Falmouth a success. We couldn't do it without you! Very Merry FALMOUTH 2022 Parking Ban Falmouth's overnight parking ban is in effect until April 15, 2023. Parking is prohibited on all Town- maintained roads from midnight until 6am. INCORPORATED 1718 FALMOUTH Dog Licenses Dog licenses are now available for 2023. All current dog licenses expire December 31 , 2022. Dogs over age 6 months must be licensed by January 1 . Cost Neutered / Spayed Dog : $ 6.00 Unaltered Male or Female : $ 11.00 ( $ 1.00 fee for online registrations ) Register In person : Clerk's Office , Falmouth Town Hall . Present a current Maine rabies certificate and a neutering certificate if the dog has been altered . Online : Register at : licensing . Provide a credit card , rabies certificate , your veterinarian's information , a license / tag number ( if a renewal ) , and a spay or neuter certificate ( if your dog has been altered ) . 2023 Short - Term Rental Registrations & Renewals registration / renewal deadline for short The term rentals in Falmouth is January 1 , 2023. Pursuant to Falmouth's Short - term Rental Ordinance , effective January 1 , 2022 , no person shall advertise , operate , or rent a short - term rental in the Town of Falmouth without first registering the short - term rental with the Town . Town staff are happy to assist with the registration process . Email or call Julie Baxter at 207 -699-5335 for additional information or if you intend to advertise , operate , or rent your short - term rental before the end of the year and have not already registered with the Town . Please note : New registrations after November 2 will be considered 2023 registrations . Thank You ! Thank you to all the volunteers who gave their time and talent to make Very Merry Falmouth a success . We couldn't do it without you ! Very Merry FALMOUTH 2022 Parking Ban Falmouth's overnight parking ban is in effect until April 15 , 2023. Parking is prohibited on all Town maintained roads from midnight until 6am .