YARMOUTH MAIN ALWAYS TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Meeting 8A 22/23 December 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM Town Hall Community Room 200 Main Street Remote Access Option Available https://meet.goto.com/Yarmouth Town Meeting Room/tcvm You can also dial in: +1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 773-557-237 Note this brief special session will be held immediately prior to the Operations Committee meeting at 7:00 PM Roll Call of Members. Item No 44: To elect a new member to the Council Appointments Committee. Be it ordered that is hereby elected to serve on the appointments Committee for the remainder of the current term replacing Councilor Humphrey who is resigning from the Appointments Committee due to scheduling conflicts. YARMOUTH MAIN ALWAYS TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Meeting 8A 22/23 December 8 , 2022 at 7:00 PM Town Hall Community Room 200 Main Street Remote Access Option Available https://meet.goto.com/Yarmouth Town Meeting Room / tcvm You can also dial in : +1 ( 408 ) 650-3123 Access Code : 773-557-237 Note this brief special session will be held immediately prior to the Operations Committee meeting at 7:00 PM Roll Call of Members . Item No 44 : To elect a new member to the Council Appointments Committee . Be it ordered that is hereby elected to serve on the appointments Committee for the remainder of the current term replacing Councilor Humphrey who is resigning from the Appointments Committee due to scheduling conflicts .