Town of Pownal Public Hearing May 23, 2022 at 5:00 PM OF POWNAL ADEPENDENT The Planning Board will hold a public hearing to receive input from residents regarding edits to the Land Use Ordinances. Immediately following the Select Board will hold a public hearing for input on the draft warrant for the Annual Town Meeting. This is an in-person hearing at Mallett Hall, 429 Hallowell Road. All CDC guidelines will be followed. UNTO NMO Town of Pownal Public Hearing May 23, 2022 at 5:00 PM OF POWNAL ADEPENDENT The Planning Board will hold a public hearing to receive input from residents regarding edits to the Land Use Ordinances. Immediately following the Select Board will hold a public hearing for input on the draft warrant for the Annual Town Meeting. This is an in-person hearing at Mallett Hall, 429 Hallowell Road. All CDC guidelines will be followed. UNTO NMO