POWNAL The Pownal Board of Appeals is hearing a miscellaneous appeal on October 26, 2021, 7:00pm (in person) at TOWN Mallett Hall, 429 Hallowell Road. The Board will consider the UNTO TISELE application submitted by Matthew Chipman, 112 Hallowell Road, Pownal, requesting a set-back variance for a barn located on Map 8 Lot 24.1. This barn is set back from Hallowell Road by 39 feet, the Town set-back requirement is 40 feet from the road. The public is welcome to attend. FMI, contact Chair Dick Hogue (207) 420-6875 NDEPENDE POWNAL The Pownal Board of Appeals is hearing a miscellaneous appeal on October 26, 2021, 7:00pm (in person) at TOWN Mallett Hall, 429 Hallowell Road. The Board will consider the UNTO TISELE application submitted by Matthew Chipman, 112 Hallowell Road, Pownal, requesting a set-back variance for a barn located on Map 8 Lot 24.1. This barn is set back from Hallowell Road by 39 feet, the Town set-back requirement is 40 feet from the road. The public is welcome to attend. FMI, contact Chair Dick Hogue (207) 420-6875 NDEPENDE