OF POWNAL Town of Pownal Site Public Hearing Notice September 27,2021 at 6:00 PM UNTO ITSE The Select Board will be holding a public hearing regarding the town's Comprehensive Plan Draft. The hearing will be in person at Mallett Hall and is open to the public. Printed copies of the plan are available at the town office or can be UNTO viewed on the town's website. NMO NDEPFENDES OF POWNAL Town of Pownal Site Public Hearing Notice September 27,2021 at 6:00 PM UNTO ITSE The Select Board will be holding a public hearing regarding the town's Comprehensive Plan Draft. The hearing will be in person at Mallett Hall and is open to the public. Printed copies of the plan are available at the town office or can be UNTO viewed on the town's website. NMO NDEPFENDES