CUMBERLAND INC 1821 MAINE Cumberland Town Council Meeting Monday, July 26, 2021 Town Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Council Photos 7:00 p.m. Call to Order On Monday, July 26, 2021, the Cumberland Town Council will hold its regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers. The following items will be considered: To hear a report from the Tax Assessor and to hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on setting the FY2022 tax rate. To hold a Public Hearing to set rates at which interest will be paid for delinquent taxes and to authorize applying tax payments to the oldest unpaid taxes. To hear a presentation re: a rail and trail system along the former Canadian/ Atlantic rail line. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on a moratorium ordinance re: Medical Marijuana Caregiver Uses. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to Chapter 250 (Subdivision of Land), Section 250-6.D.7 (Conservation Subdivision Standards); and to Section 250-8.D and E (Prohibited uses of common open space); and to Section 250-9 (Ownership, management, legal protection and maintenance of common open space in a conservation subdivision) A(1) and B(1)(b) and 250-13 (General subdivision procedures) B.1 and 250-14 (Procedure for subdivisions in the RR1 or RR2 Districts) A and D, as recommended by the Planning Board. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to Chapter 229 (Site Plan Review) Section 229-6 A (Major Staff Review) and Appendix C (Submission Requirements) to change the number of copies of an application packet to 2 full size paper plan sets and an electronic application packet, as recommended by the Planning Board. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on a Mass Gathering Permit for the Cumberland Soccer Club's "Just for Fun Tournament" to be held on September 4th and 5th, 2021 at Twin Brook Recreation Facility. Additional items may also be considered. Meeting will be streamed live on YouTube (Town of Cumberland Maine) and broadcast live on Spectrum Channel 1301. CUMBERLAND INC 1821 MAINE Cumberland Town Council Meeting Monday, July 26, 2021 Town Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Council Photos 7:00 p.m. Call to Order On Monday, July 26, 2021, the Cumberland Town Council will hold its regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers. The following items will be considered: To hear a report from the Tax Assessor and to hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on setting the FY2022 tax rate. To hold a Public Hearing to set rates at which interest will be paid for delinquent taxes and to authorize applying tax payments to the oldest unpaid taxes. To hear a presentation re: a rail and trail system along the former Canadian/ Atlantic rail line. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on a moratorium ordinance re: Medical Marijuana Caregiver Uses. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to Chapter 250 (Subdivision of Land), Section 250-6.D.7 (Conservation Subdivision Standards); and to Section 250-8.D and E (Prohibited uses of common open space); and to Section 250-9 (Ownership, management, legal protection and maintenance of common open space in a conservation subdivision) A(1) and B(1)(b) and 250-13 (General subdivision procedures) B.1 and 250-14 (Procedure for subdivisions in the RR1 or RR2 Districts) A and D, as recommended by the Planning Board. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to Chapter 229 (Site Plan Review) Section 229-6 A (Major Staff Review) and Appendix C (Submission Requirements) to change the number of copies of an application packet to 2 full size paper plan sets and an electronic application packet, as recommended by the Planning Board. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on a Mass Gathering Permit for the Cumberland Soccer Club's "Just for Fun Tournament" to be held on September 4th and 5th, 2021 at Twin Brook Recreation Facility. Additional items may also be considered. Meeting will be streamed live on YouTube (Town of Cumberland Maine) and broadcast live on Spectrum Channel 1301.