CUMBERLAND ITNC MAINE TOWN OF CUMBERLAND SHELLFISH CONSERVATION COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 6:00 P.M. Council Chambers The Town of Cumberland Shellfish Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing Wednesday, June 23, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. re: Limited Purpose Aquaculture (LPA) Leases in the Town of Cumber- land. The following is the lease applicant: Sam Molloy, 152 Washington Ave. Portland, Maine. Location, west of the South end of Sturdivant Island (based on true north). The pur- pose of the lease is commercial, and the species grown will be marine algae (meaning all seaweeds including kelp). Sea Scallop, American or eastern oyster, and Hard clam/quahog. Sam Molloy, 152 Washington Ave., Portland, Maine. Location, in Broad Cove. The purpose of the lease is commercial, and the spe- cies grown will be Hard clam/quahog, Soft-shelled clam, American or eastern oyster and Sea scallop. Sam Molloy, 152 Washington Ave., Portland, Maine. Location, South- east end of Sturdivant Island (based on true north). The purpose of the lease is commercial, and the species grown will be Hard clam/ quahog, America or eastern oyster and Sea scallop. Sam Molloy, 152 Washington Ave., Portland, Maine. Location, in Broad Cove. The purpose of the lease is commercial, and the spe- cies grown will be Hard clam/quahog, Soft-shelled clam, American or eastern oyster, and Sea scallop. CUMBERLAND ITNC MAINE TOWN OF CUMBERLAND SHELLFISH CONSERVATION COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 6:00 P.M. Council Chambers The Town of Cumberland Shellfish Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing Wednesday, June 23, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. re: Limited Purpose Aquaculture (LPA) Leases in the Town of Cumber- land. The following is the lease applicant: Sam Molloy, 152 Washington Ave. Portland, Maine. Location, west of the South end of Sturdivant Island (based on true north). The pur- pose of the lease is commercial, and the species grown will be marine algae (meaning all seaweeds including kelp). Sea Scallop, American or eastern oyster, and Hard clam/quahog. Sam Molloy, 152 Washington Ave., Portland, Maine. Location, in Broad Cove. The purpose of the lease is commercial, and the spe- cies grown will be Hard clam/quahog, Soft-shelled clam, American or eastern oyster and Sea scallop. Sam Molloy, 152 Washington Ave., Portland, Maine. Location, South- east end of Sturdivant Island (based on true north). The purpose of the lease is commercial, and the species grown will be Hard clam/ quahog, America or eastern oyster and Sea scallop. Sam Molloy, 152 Washington Ave., Portland, Maine. Location, in Broad Cove. The purpose of the lease is commercial, and the spe- cies grown will be Hard clam/quahog, Soft-shelled clam, American or eastern oyster, and Sea scallop.