MAIN ALWAYS TOWN OF YARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING December 14, 2022 7:00 PM - Log Cabin, 196 Main Street and By Remote Session AGENDA 1. Action Item: Capital Improvement Plan; Consultation and Request for Endorsement of the 5-Year CIP, FY 24 - FY 28. Yarmouth Town Charter, Article V. Sec 10. Capital Program. 2. Action Item: Preliminary Development Plan, Building & Lot Plan, Major Site Plan, & Major Subdivision; CD-4, Village Center District; New Construction in the Lower Village Historic District; 90 Main Street; Map 32 Lots 7 & 11; Charlie Hewitt and Kate Carey, Applicants. 3. Workshop Item: Proposed Zoning Amendment, Chapter 701, Article II.DD, Affordable Housing Programs, to adopt inclusionary zoning requriements, Requested by Yarmouth Affordable Housing Committee. MAIN ALWAYS TOWN OF YARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING December 14 , 2022 7:00 PM - Log Cabin , 196 Main Street and By Remote Session AGENDA 1. Action Item : Capital Improvement Plan ; Consultation and Request for Endorsement of the 5 - Year CIP , FY 24 - FY 28. Yarmouth Town Charter , Article V. Sec 10. Capital Program . 2. Action Item : Preliminary Development Plan , Building & Lot Plan , Major Site Plan , & Major Subdivision ; CD - 4 , Village Center District ; New Construction in the Lower Village Historic District ; 90 Main Street ; Map 32 Lots 7 & 11 ; Charlie Hewitt and Kate Carey , Applicants . 3. Workshop Item : Proposed Zoning Amendment , Chapter 701 , Article II.DD , Affordable Housing Programs , to adopt inclusionary zoning requriements , Requested by Yarmouth Affordable Housing Committee .