LAICHSTRING ALWAYS TOWN OF YARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD ARMOUT REGULAR MEETING May 11, 2022 7:00 PM - Log Cabin, 196 Main Street, and By Remote Session AGENDA Workshop Item: Shoreland Permit for New Single-family Home, 109 Sunset Point, Map 24 Lot 53, Maria Atkins, Applicant. 1. 2. Workshop Item: Development Plan, Building & Lot Plan, Major Site Plan, & Major Subdivision; CD-4, Village Center District; Demolition Delay Review of Garage/Shed in the Lower Village Historic District; 90 Main Street; Map 32 Lots 7 & 11; Charlie Hewitt and Kate Carey, Applicants. MAINE LAICHSTRING ALWAYS TOWN OF YARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD ARMOUT REGULAR MEETING May 11, 2022 7:00 PM - Log Cabin, 196 Main Street, and By Remote Session AGENDA Workshop Item: Shoreland Permit for New Single-family Home, 109 Sunset Point, Map 24 Lot 53, Maria Atkins, Applicant. 1. 2. Workshop Item: Development Plan, Building & Lot Plan, Major Site Plan, & Major Subdivision; CD-4, Village Center District; Demolition Delay Review of Garage/Shed in the Lower Village Historic District; 90 Main Street; Map 32 Lots 7 & 11; Charlie Hewitt and Kate Carey, Applicants. MAINE