TOWN OF YARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD MAIN ARMOUTH REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 12, 2022 LATCHS 7:00 PM LOG CABIN, 196 MAIN STREET, TRING WAYS AND BY REMOTE SESSION AGENDA 1. Workshop Item: Concept Ch. 702 Site Plan Review and Ch. 703 Building & Lot Plan, Renovation and Expansion of Travis Roy Arena; SD 1, NYA Campus Special District; Vicinity of 497 Route One; Map 32 Lot 125; North Yarmouth Academy, Applicant. 2. Workshop Item: Concept Ch. 703 Development Plan and Ch. 601 Major Subdivision, Railroad Square Master Plan; CD-4, Village Center District; Vicinity of 48 Railroad Square; Map 37 Lot 28 & 29A; Railroad Square Associates, LLC, Applicant. 3. Action Item: Proposed Amendment to Ch. 702 Site Plan Review; Update language regarding appeals of minor site plan approvals to use term aggrieved party and identify conditions for standing; Requested by Yarmouth Town Council. 4. Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2022 OUR OUT TOWN OF YARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD MAIN ARMOUTH REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 12, 2022 LATCHS 7:00 PM LOG CABIN, 196 MAIN STREET, TRING WAYS AND BY REMOTE SESSION AGENDA 1. Workshop Item: Concept Ch. 702 Site Plan Review and Ch. 703 Building & Lot Plan, Renovation and Expansion of Travis Roy Arena; SD 1, NYA Campus Special District; Vicinity of 497 Route One; Map 32 Lot 125; North Yarmouth Academy, Applicant. 2. Workshop Item: Concept Ch. 703 Development Plan and Ch. 601 Major Subdivision, Railroad Square Master Plan; CD-4, Village Center District; Vicinity of 48 Railroad Square; Map 37 Lot 28 & 29A; Railroad Square Associates, LLC, Applicant. 3. Action Item: Proposed Amendment to Ch. 702 Site Plan Review; Update language regarding appeals of minor site plan approvals to use term aggrieved party and identify conditions for standing; Requested by Yarmouth Town Council. 4. Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2022 OUR OUT