TOWN OF YARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING June 8, 2022 7:00 PM - Log Cabin, 196 Main Street, and By Remote Session AGENDA 1. Joint Meeting with the Tree Advisory Committee 2. Action Item: Amendment of a Building & Lot Plan, Major Site Plan, and Major Subdivision Approval and Request to Extend the Major Site Plan Approval; 298 Main Street; Map 37 Lot 30; 298 Main Partners, LLC, Applicant. 3 Action Item: Preliminary Ch. 703 Development Plan and Ch. 601 Major Subdivision, Railroad Square Master Plan; CD-4, Village Center District; Vicinity of 48 Railroad Square; Map 37 Lot 28 & 29A; Railroad Square Associates, LLC, Applicant MAIN WAYS TOWN OF YARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING June 8 , 2022 7:00 PM - Log Cabin , 196 Main Street , and By Remote Session AGENDA 1. Joint Meeting with the Tree Advisory Committee 2. Action Item : Amendment of a Building & Lot Plan , Major Site Plan , and Major Subdivision Approval and Request to Extend the Major Site Plan Approval ; 298 Main Street ; Map 37 Lot 30 ; 298 Main Partners , LLC , Applicant . 3 Action Item : Preliminary Ch . 703 Development Plan and Ch . 601 Major Subdivision , Railroad Square Master Plan ; CD - 4 , Village Center District ; Vicinity of 48 Railroad Square ; Map 37 Lot 28 & 29A ; Railroad Square Associates , LLC , Applicant MAIN WAYS