YARMOUTH MAIN ALWAYS TOWN COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA FEBRUARY 2, 2023; 7:00 PM American Legion Log Cabin 196 Main Street, Yarmouth and by remote access: To Access the meeting remotely: Log in with your computer, Smartphone, or tablet: https://meet.goto.com/Yarmouth Town Meeting Room/tcws To dial in by phone: +1 (872) 240-3212 Access Code: 627-651-157 Public comment period Item No. 1: To hear the reports of the Council Chair, committees, delegates, liaisons and the Town Manager. Item No. 2: To consider establishment of a Police Services Advisory Committee. Item No. 3: To consider issuance of a Public Grounds Permit for the 2023 Annual Clam Festival Item No. 4: To consider a Resolution on Arbor Day 2023 Item No. 6: To consider amendments to the land use ordinance as recommended by the Planning Board regarding stormwater control measure (erosion and sediment control). Item No. 11: To consider or schedule other Council initiatives and requests as may be offered or introduced. Item No. 12: To hold an Executive Session, if needed, including consideration of various committee and board appointments. YARMOUTH MAIN ALWAYS TOWN COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA FEBRUARY 2 , 2023 ; 7:00 PM American Legion Log Cabin 196 Main Street , Yarmouth and by remote access : To Access the meeting remotely : Log in with your computer , Smartphone , or tablet : https://meet.goto.com/Yarmouth Town Meeting Room / tcws To dial in by phone : +1 ( 872 ) 240-3212 Access Code : 627-651-157 Public comment period Item No. 1 : To hear the reports of the Council Chair , committees , delegates , liaisons and the Town Manager . Item No. 2 : To consider establishment of a Police Services Advisory Committee . Item No. 3 : To consider issuance of a Public Grounds Permit for the 2023 Annual Clam Festival Item No. 4 : To consider a Resolution on Arbor Day 2023 Item No. 6 : To consider amendments to the land use ordinance as recommended by the Planning Board regarding stormwater control measure ( erosion and sediment control ) . Item No. 11 : To consider or schedule other Council initiatives and requests as may be offered or introduced . Item No. 12 : To hold an Executive Session , if needed , including consideration of various committee and board appointments .