TOWN OF YARMOUTH TOWN COUNCIL MAINE WORKSHOP AGENDA ARMOUT MAY 5, 2022; 7:00 PM American Legion Log Cabin 196 Main Street, Yarmouth and by remote access: LATCHS ALWAYS Please join my meeting. YarmouthTownMeetingRoom/tcws050522 TRING You can also dial: +1 (571) 317-3122 - Access Code: 194-284-581 (Directly Following Special Budget Meeting) PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Item No. 1: To hear the reports of the Council Chair, committees, delegates, liaisons, and the Town Manager. Item No. 2: To consider issuance of a full-time malt, spirituous and vinous liquor licenses to Brickyard Hollow, Black Tie at Camp Hammond, Thoroughfare Item No. 3: To schedule a resolution naming the 2021 Latchstring Award Honoree(s). Item No. 4: To consider or schedule other Council initiatives and requests as may be offered or introduced. Item No. 5: To hold an Executive Session, if needed, including consideration of the recommendations of the Appointments Committee. TOWN OF YARMOUTH TOWN COUNCIL MAINE WORKSHOP AGENDA ARMOUT MAY 5, 2022; 7:00 PM American Legion Log Cabin 196 Main Street, Yarmouth and by remote access: LATCHS ALWAYS Please join my meeting. YarmouthTownMeetingRoom/tcws050522 TRING You can also dial: +1 (571) 317-3122 - Access Code: 194-284-581 (Directly Following Special Budget Meeting) PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Item No. 1: To hear the reports of the Council Chair, committees, delegates, liaisons, and the Town Manager. Item No. 2: To consider issuance of a full-time malt, spirituous and vinous liquor licenses to Brickyard Hollow, Black Tie at Camp Hammond, Thoroughfare Item No. 3: To schedule a resolution naming the 2021 Latchstring Award Honoree(s). Item No. 4: To consider or schedule other Council initiatives and requests as may be offered or introduced. Item No. 5: To hold an Executive Session, if needed, including consideration of the recommendations of the Appointments Committee.