TOWN OF YARMOUTH TOWN COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA AUGUST 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM AT THE LOG CABIN, 196 MAIN ST., YARMOUTH Please join: You can also dial in: United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 976-325-59 1st Order of Business: Roll Call of Members 2nd Order of Business: Approval of the Minutes of Meeting 1-21/22 held July 15, 2021 and Special Meeting 2-21/21 held July 29, 2021 3rd Order of Business: To open the meeting to a Public Comment period. Item No.10: To hear the reports of the Council Chair, committees, delegates, liaisons, and the Town Manager Item No. 11: To hold a public hearing and act upon issuance of a full-time malt spirituous and vinous liquor license to Owl and Elm and to the Muddy Rudder, and a Special Amusements Permit to the Muddy Rudder. Item No. 12: To hold a public hearing and act upon a set of proposed amendments to Chapter 701 (Zoning) as recommended by the Historic Preservation Steering Committee. Item No. 4: To vote to authorize of grant applications for the West Side Trail project. Item No. 5: To hold a public hearing and act to repeal and replace Chapter 317 of the Yarmouth Town Code (Sprinkler Ordinance). Item No. 6: To hold a public hearing and act to repeal and replace Chapter of the Yarmouth Town Code (Sprinkler Ordinance). Item No. 7: To hold a public hearing and act to repeal and replace Chapter 403 of the Yarmouth Town Code (Alarms Ordinance). Item No. 8: To hold a public hearing and act to adopt a new Chapter 319 of the Yarmouth Town Code (Fire Code and Life Safety Code). Item No. 9: To hold a public hearing and act amendments to Chapter 401 of the Yarmouth Town Code (Fees and Permits) arising out of changes to Chapters 317,319, and 403. Item No. 10: To authorize the sale of to correct a boundary line error on abutting land (Sykes/ Camp SOCI) or take other actions relative thereto. Item No. 11: To hold a public hearing and act to repeal and replace Chapter 502 of the Yarmouth Town Code (Cable TV Ordinance). Item No. 12: To appropriate funds or take other necessary actions for equipment repairs at the wastewater treatment facility. Item No. 13: To hold an Executive Session, if needed, including consideration of the recommendations of the Appointments Committee. TOWN OF YARMOUTH TOWN COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA AUGUST 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM AT THE LOG CABIN, 196 MAIN ST., YARMOUTH Please join: You can also dial in: United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 976-325-59 1st Order of Business: Roll Call of Members 2nd Order of Business: Approval of the Minutes of Meeting 1-21/22 held July 15, 2021 and Special Meeting 2-21/21 held July 29, 2021 3rd Order of Business: To open the meeting to a Public Comment period. Item No.10: To hear the reports of the Council Chair, committees, delegates, liaisons, and the Town Manager Item No. 11: To hold a public hearing and act upon issuance of a full-time malt spirituous and vinous liquor license to Owl and Elm and to the Muddy Rudder, and a Special Amusements Permit to the Muddy Rudder. Item No. 12: To hold a public hearing and act upon a set of proposed amendments to Chapter 701 (Zoning) as recommended by the Historic Preservation Steering Committee. Item No. 4: To vote to authorize of grant applications for the West Side Trail project. Item No. 5: To hold a public hearing and act to repeal and replace Chapter 317 of the Yarmouth Town Code (Sprinkler Ordinance). Item No. 6: To hold a public hearing and act to repeal and replace Chapter of the Yarmouth Town Code (Sprinkler Ordinance). Item No. 7: To hold a public hearing and act to repeal and replace Chapter 403 of the Yarmouth Town Code (Alarms Ordinance). Item No. 8: To hold a public hearing and act to adopt a new Chapter 319 of the Yarmouth Town Code (Fire Code and Life Safety Code). Item No. 9: To hold a public hearing and act amendments to Chapter 401 of the Yarmouth Town Code (Fees and Permits) arising out of changes to Chapters 317,319, and 403. Item No. 10: To authorize the sale of to correct a boundary line error on abutting land (Sykes/ Camp SOCI) or take other actions relative thereto. Item No. 11: To hold a public hearing and act to repeal and replace Chapter 502 of the Yarmouth Town Code (Cable TV Ordinance). Item No. 12: To appropriate funds or take other necessary actions for equipment repairs at the wastewater treatment facility. Item No. 13: To hold an Executive Session, if needed, including consideration of the recommendations of the Appointments Committee.