Limited Time Offer HELOC SPECIAL Ask about our Home Equity Line of Credit Special Offer Fixed 2.75% APR* until 3/31/21, then prime plus 0% (3.25% as of 11/1/20) Apply by 11/30/20 Stop by our Yarmouth branch at the Main Street Train Depot Call (207) 847-5242 or visit GorhamSavings.Bank/HELOCSpecial Gorham SAVINGS BANK Banking is believing" Gorham SAVINGS SANK Member FDIC I Equal Housing Lender | GorhamSavings.Bank "To oba the Home fauity Lne of Credt Special e, you mut sabmit yout soolication by November 30. 2000. Beginning April 2021, he Annul Percentage Rate APO wi be ime plua Os leument rime kae is 3.25% of November 1, 20000 and may vary mony Minimu APR 2.75%. Marimum APR 1800 Minium cedir lne SI0.000 No closing cosn. but onoperty and haard inurance reguired, pls food in ce itapplicabie Eacludes epenes for ununual or extraordinary property appraisals or tde iue generally totaling between S0.00 and 1375.00 Penaty for eary temination. Cwner occupied properties only Other reurictions may apply. Ofer of oredtis bjectto corovel. Rates re sutject to change without notice Limited Time Offer HELOC SPECIAL Ask about our Home Equity Line of Credit Special Offer Fixed 2.75% APR* until 3/31/21, then prime plus 0% (3.25% as of 11/1/20) Apply by 11/30/20 Stop by our Yarmouth branch at the Main Street Train Depot Call (207) 847-5242 or visit GorhamSavings.Bank/HELOCSpecial Gorham SAVINGS BANK Banking is believing" Gorham SAVINGS SANK Member FDIC I Equal Housing Lender | GorhamSavings.Bank "To oba the Home fauity Lne of Credt Special e, you mut sabmit yout soolication by November 30. 2000. Beginning April 2021, he Annul Percentage Rate APO wi be ime plua Os leument rime kae is 3.25% of November 1, 20000 and may vary mony Minimu APR 2.75%. Marimum APR 1800 Minium cedir lne SI0.000 No closing cosn. but onoperty and haard inurance reguired, pls food in ce itapplicabie Eacludes epenes for ununual or extraordinary property appraisals or tde iue generally totaling between S0.00 and 1375.00 Penaty for eary temination. Cwner occupied properties only Other reurictions may apply. Ofer of oredtis bjectto corovel. Rates re sutject to change without notice