CURRENTLY IN STOCK WHILE THEY LAST! Automatic Generators for immediate delivery! Champion 8.5 KW with 8 circuits. Limited Supply! CHAMPION No need to wait for months, delivered in most cases within a week! IN STOCK ONLY! Call Today For Your Installation! POWE R EQUIP ME NT 20KW Briggs and Stratton Fortresses Includes whole house transfer switch - 10 years parts, labor and travel. BRIGGS & STRATTON Plus 20 year protection plan. Only six left in stock! Electricians Generator Techs Full time, part time, on call positions available. We are looking to fill these positions starting April 1st. Paid medical, dental and vision insurance. Looking for independent Master Licensed electricians. Earn up to $2500 - $ 3000 per week i plus bonuses. DIRFY Over 48 Years Experience! 207-637-3346 LIMINGTON, ME GENERATORS CURRENTLY IN STOCK WHILE THEY LAST! Automatic Generators for immediate delivery! Champion 8.5 KW with 8 circuits. Limited Supply! CHAMPION No need to wait for months, delivered in most cases within a week! IN STOCK ONLY! Call Today For Your Installation! POWE R EQUIP ME NT 20KW Briggs and Stratton Fortresses Includes whole house transfer switch - 10 years parts, labor and travel. BRIGGS & STRATTON Plus 20 year protection plan. Only six left in stock! Electricians Generator Techs Full time, part time, on call positions available. We are looking to fill these positions starting April 1st. Paid medical, dental and vision insurance. Looking for independent Master Licensed electricians. Earn up to $2500 - $ 3000 per week i plus bonuses. DIRFY Over 48 Years Experience! 207-637-3346 LIMINGTON, ME GENERATORS