Portland Pottery Studio February Vacation Camp 2019 Monday -2/18 Tuesday 2/19Wednesday 2/20 Thursday 2/21 Friday 2/2:2 Pottery Wheel 9:00 10:15 Pottery Wheel Snowman Rattles Glass Pendants Pottery Wheel Glass Pendents Fairy Houses Pottery Wheel Pottery Wheel Glass Pendants 10:30 11:45 Glass Pendents Coilpot bowls Pottery Wheel Pottery Wheel Pottery Wheel LUNCH Please order from our Camper Menu or pack a bag lunch, no glass please Pet Bowl Pinchpot Monsters Pottery Wheel Available for heelPrivate Lessons 12:30 -1:45 Glas WindowRings of SilverAvalable for Decorating Pottery Wheel Fairy Houses Pottery Wheel Glass Window Decorations Clay Castles Pottery Wheel Available for Private Lessons 2:00-3:15 Pottery Wheel Snowman Rattles Clay Fish Pottery Wheel Pet Bowls Copilot Bowls Available for Private Lessons 3:30 4:45 Fairy Hourses Pet Bowls Clay Classes $15.00 Glass Pendents & Rings of Silver $20.00 118-122 Washington Ave. | 207-772-4334 | www.portlandpottery.com