PORTLAND AREA WIDENING GROWING FORWARD EXIT 48 BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS NEW EXIT 45 INTERCHANGE EXIT We are making room for six lanes of highway from Mie 44 to Mie 49 by widening and modernizing four key bridge systems: at the Stroudwater River, the Pan Am Raiway. Warren Avenue, and Cummings Road bridge When completed, Ext 45 wil have a more efficient diamond interchange, a brand new bridge with increased clearance, and ramp toll plazas giving drivers a safer, more fluid transition onto and off of the Turnpike. 47 EXIT 46 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS WIDENING TO SIX LANES EXIT 45 Upgrades to all interchanges in the Portland area include side slope improvements, pier protection barriers, and new drainage culverts. Construction at Exit 44 cals for The Tumpke's Portland-area Manine serves milions of com- muters, truckers, and tourists yearly. Growing its capacity wil enhance safety and mobity while supporting Maine's largest economic region. EXIT 44 an additional dedcated off-ramp lane northbound leading to l-296s modem Open Road Toling plaza. The Maine Turnpike's Portland-Augusta section opened in 1955. After more than six decades and a 1700% increase in traffic, it's time to repair, improve, and widen this busy stretch through the Portland area. MAINE TURNPIKE When completed, drivers will enjoy a safer highway, less traffic congestion, and a smoother, more efficient shortcut around Portland- paid for 100% by Turnpike tols. During this multi-year construction phase, please drive carefully, obey reduced speed limits in work zones, and imagine traveling a better Turmpike going forward. Safe | Reliable | Sustainable www.maineturmpike.com/2020widening PORTLAND AREA WIDENING GROWING FORWARD EXIT 48 BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS NEW EXIT 45 INTERCHANGE EXIT We are making room for six lanes of highway from Mie 44 to Mie 49 by widening and modernizing four key bridge systems: at the Stroudwater River, the Pan Am Raiway. Warren Avenue, and Cummings Road bridge When completed, Ext 45 wil have a more efficient diamond interchange, a brand new bridge with increased clearance, and ramp toll plazas giving drivers a safer, more fluid transition onto and off of the Turnpike. 47 EXIT 46 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS WIDENING TO SIX LANES EXIT 45 Upgrades to all interchanges in the Portland area include side slope improvements, pier protection barriers, and new drainage culverts. Construction at Exit 44 cals for The Tumpke's Portland-area Manine serves milions of com- muters, truckers, and tourists yearly. Growing its capacity wil enhance safety and mobity while supporting Maine's largest economic region. EXIT 44 an additional dedcated off-ramp lane northbound leading to l-296s modem Open Road Toling plaza. The Maine Turnpike's Portland-Augusta section opened in 1955. After more than six decades and a 1700% increase in traffic, it's time to repair, improve, and widen this busy stretch through the Portland area. MAINE TURNPIKE When completed, drivers will enjoy a safer highway, less traffic congestion, and a smoother, more efficient shortcut around Portland- paid for 100% by Turnpike tols. During this multi-year construction phase, please drive carefully, obey reduced speed limits in work zones, and imagine traveling a better Turmpike going forward. Safe | Reliable | Sustainable www.maineturmpike.com/2020widening