FLEX PLAN DOLLARS? If you have flexible spending account money, it's time to make sure you don't lose it: the end of the year is only a few weeks away! You can use your FSA dollars for: Eye exams (Have you met our wonderful optometrists?) A new pair of eyeglasses (Find top designers and a wide range of prices at our 5 offices) Readers 3 1 (Time for some eyebobs ?) Prescription sung lasses (Your eyes will appreciate good quality protection.) December Contact lenses and solutions (Stock up!) Casco Bay E YE CA R E LLC Only the best. Only at Casco Bay EyeCare. cascobayeye.com Ten Q Street 256 U.S. Route 1 Falmouth 7 Portland Farms Road 455 Fore Street Portland 1440 Congress Street Portland Scarborough 883-2809 South Portland 781-5580 773-2020 799-3877 772-8384 1218 FLEX PLAN DOLLARS? If you have flexible spending account money, it's time to make sure you don't lose it: the end of the year is only a few weeks away! You can use your FSA dollars for: Eye exams (Have you met our wonderful optometrists?) A new pair of eyeglasses (Find top designers and a wide range of prices at our 5 offices) Readers 3 1 (Time for some eyebobs ?) Prescription sung lasses (Your eyes will appreciate good quality protection.) December Contact lenses and solutions (Stock up!) Casco Bay E YE CA R E LLC Only the best. Only at Casco Bay EyeCare. cascobayeye.com Ten Q Street 256 U.S. Route 1 Falmouth 7 Portland Farms Road 455 Fore Street Portland 1440 Congress Street Portland Scarborough 883-2809 South Portland 781-5580 773-2020 799-3877 772-8384 1218