TOWN OF FREEPORT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Freeport Town Council will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers at Town Hall located at 30 Main Street in Freeport on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at 6:30 PM to hear discussion on two on-premise liquor license applications submitted by 1. The Perfect Spell, 9 Mechanic Street 2. Maine Beer Company 525 US Route One Copies of the application are available for review at the Town Clerk's office TOWN OF FREEPORT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Freeport Town Council will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers at Town Hall located at 30 Main Street in Freeport on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at 6:30 PM to hear discussion on two on-premise liquor license applications submitted by 1. The Perfect Spell, 9 Mechanic Street 2. Maine Beer Company 525 US Route One Copies of the application are available for review at the Town Clerk's office