SOUTHERN MAINE AUDIOLOGY . Personalized Hearing Healthcare 207.781.7200 I Falmouth ME 04105 I f Southern Maine Audiology Welcomes their New Audiologist, Cindy Hyman a gec Cindy Hyman, M.A., has joined Southern Maine Audiology's Hearing Healthcare Practice in Falmouth as their Audiologist. Cindy has more than 30 years of diverse experience in Audiology and has formed strong relationships with ENT physicians in the area. She is the current President of the Maine Academy of Audiology and a member of the Cochlear Implant Provider Network. Cindy loves her patients and goes above and beyond to make a difference in their lives. She is passionate and motivated to help her patients hear their best! Call Today for Your Complimentary Hearing Screening and Complimentary Consultation with Cindy! 781-7200 Located in the Falmouth Shopping Center