PUBLIC NOTICE: NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE Please take notice that Beta Zeta Properties, LLC of 9 Kimberly Circle, Brunswick, Maine, reached via their agent Dirigo A/E at 207.225.3040 is intending to file a Site Location of Development Act permit application with the Maine Department of Environ- mental Protection pursuant to the provisions of 38 M.R.S.A.481 through 490 on or about May 1st, 2019. The application is for Christmas Creek Subdivision, a 20-lot clus- tered residential development located at 239 Tuttle Road in Cum- berland, Maine. A public information meeting will be held at the site on Monday, April 15th, 2019 at 6:00 PM. A request for a public hearing or a request that the Board of Envi ronmental Protection assume jurisdiction over this application must be received by the Department in writing, no later than 20 days after the application is found by the Department to be complete and is accepted for processing. A public hearing may or may not be held at the discretion of the Commissioner or Board of Environmental Protection. Public comment on the application will be accepted throughout the processing of the application. The application wl be filed for public inspection at the Depart- ment of Environmental Protection's office in Portland during nor- mal working hours. A copy of the application may also be seen at the municipal offices in Cumberland, Maine. Written public comments may be sent to the regional office in Port- land where the application is filed for public inspection: MDEP Southern Maine Regional Office, 312 Canco Road, Portland, Maine 04103.